Where do I recycle my bulbs?
Home Depot and Lowes will recycle your CFLs for free. Bring your old or broken CFLs to the customer service desk or the drop-off bin by the exit.
Why do I recycle my bulbs?
Compact fluorescent bulbs contain small amounts of mercury. The mercury poses no threat while in the bulb. When discarded in the trash they can break and release mercury into the environment. The released mercury is harmful to the environment, to other animals, and to you.
What do I do when a bulb breaks?
Use a wet paper towel to wipe up all the pieces and clean the area. Put all pieces and the paper towel into a zip lock bag and seal the bag. Bring the bag to your local Home Depot or Lowe's recycling station.
All our volunteers carry Zip Loc bags to the installations. Click for EPA guidelines and more information here.
What about the old incandescent light bulbs?
Currently there is no recycling facility for incandescent bulbs for the metro New Orleans area. A facility does exist in Hammond, LA but the price is currently prohibitive to our program. Incandescent light bulbs don't contain any hazardeous materials. If you have any
suggestions on what to do with incandescent bulbs please send us your ideas by email.
Important information: